小型犬約於5-6 個月大便踏入青春期,大型犬則大概在9-12個月大,青春期時的經歷將會影響狗狗一生。
❌ 不要用關籠或高壓方法去懲罰狗狗
Do not use cages or punitive methods to punish your dog.

❌ 不要企圖成為老大去支配狗狗
Do not be an alpha leader dominating your dog.

❌ 不要用劇烈運動或遊戲「放電」
Do not burn out your dog's energy by over-exercising him/her.

❌ 不要強迫狗狗面對恐懼或與狗相處
Do not over-expose your dog to other dogs or stimuli.

❌ 不要失去耐性與理智
Do not lose your patience or mind. Your dog needs you!

Do not ignore your dog's needs of exploration.

Do not give up your dog. Dogs are family!

Teenage won’t last for ever. Your young dog will need your patience and support during this potentially tricky developmental phase.