正確接觸新認識狗狗 5 步驟

被狗咬幾乎都是可以避免的,每個大人與小孩都需要了解如何正確與狗狗接觸。我們特別在 Dog Bite Prevention Week 分享幾個重要原則,讓家長一起學習也教導孩子們,哪些舉動狗狗不喜歡,而哪些表現又會受到狗狗歡迎,讓 #童狗在一起 變成愉快而安全的友好經驗!
「寓教於樂」永遠讓小朋友參與度最高,印象最深刻!我們特別為了 #DogBitePreventionWeek 製作《跟狗狗Say Hi》著色本🎨,歡迎家長、教師、動物團體免費下載,一邊與小朋友塗顏色,一邊解釋如何正確接觸新認識狗狗,學習與狗狗愉快而安全地相處。
More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States. At least half of those were bitten are children, and 10,600 of them aged two years old or younger. Any dog can bite: big or small, male or female, young or old. Even the cuddliest, fuzziest, sweetest pet can bite if provoked. Remember, it is not a dog's breed that determines whether he or she will bite, it is indeed about how we approach them and respect their will.
Most dog bites are preventable. It is crucial to educate yourself and your children about how—or whether—to approach a dog. Here comes the Dog Bite Prevention Week, the best timing for us to share some Dos & Don’ts, enabling the parents to provide guidance for a safe and pleasant kid-and-dog encounter!
Children learn the best through games! We have specially prepared a colouring book 🎨 for the Dog Bite Prevention Week. Free download is available for all parents, teachers and animal organisations. Now you can explain the Dos & Don’ts of greeting dogs easily, while your child enjoy filling in colours on the beautiful cartoons!
Fill in the application form with a message "Learn How to Greet a Dog Properly"!